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2024 Primary School English Summer Program
2024 小學英語夏令營 


This English-based program allows students to experience a variety of fun and educational activities, which provide students with the opportunity to build their socializing skills and adaptability with new environments. CCE strives to provide students with an unforgettable and unique summer experience. Come join us! 


Although this program is taught in English, the purpose and goal are to expose them to fun and educational activities taught. This program helps students learn how to engage with their peers in an English environment, build character development and teambuilding skills.


Give your child a fruitful and memorable summer by enrolling them in our program offered by the Centre for Continuing Education at the School of the Nations! The 4-week summer program provides students an excellent opportunity to learn with peers in a variety of classes and activities, designed and led by experienced SON teachers and staff members.

這個以英語為基礎的項目讓學生體驗各種有趣的教育活動,為學生提供機會,培養他們的社交能力和對新環境的適應能力。 CCE努力為學生提供一個難忘的、獨特的暑期體驗。來加入我們吧!


讓您的孩子參加我們由聯國學校繼續教育中心提供的課程,給他們一個富有成效和難忘的暑假吧! 為期4週的暑期課程為學生提供了一個很好的機會,在各種課程和活動中與同齡人一起學習,由經驗豐富的SON老師和工作人員設計和領導。

​Summer Program Q&A 夏令營常見問題

Memories from the previous summers 往年暑期課程的回憶

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The course aims at improving students' language proficiency and confident proficiency and confidence in using English through a series of interactive classroom activities, such as mini-projects. role-plays, and group discussions.

A wide range of learning materials, including short videos, magazine articles, and short stories, will be used to pique students' interest and deepen their understanding of how the English language is used in everyday life..



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